Facebook is a platform that has one of the widest reaches of all social media platforms. It has opened up a whole new dimension to how we market and do business. Not only does it have a wide reach, but it also allows us to create tools that will simplify your marketing approach.

Marketing on Facebook brings a whole new dimension to the reach that you will have with prospective clients.

Facebook marketing improves your visibility among prospective clients and assists in directing them toward your website where they can buy your goods or services.

Because Facebook can be actively implemented in ways that support the reach of your business, it is a more active process of advertising than other social media streams.

Cookies and tracking on Facebook also allow you to perform remarketing where you can again market to users who have already interacted with you, making you all the more visible.

The manager aspect of Facebook is also able to provide you with a variety of insights about the performance of your marketing campaigns so that you can make the necessary adjustments and improve your approach.

Facebook understands the importance and impact that it can have on business and has developed its own tools to assist with this. One such tool is the pay-per-click advertising option which allows you to create advertisements that link back to your business in a variety of ways. With Facebook, you are also able to design and display advertising that meets your specific marketing goals. Facebook provides you with many options in this regard so that your marketing campaign can be a tailored experience for your prospective customers.

Facebook also provides you with one of the largest audiences available for the advertising and marketing of your products or services. Traditional methods of advertising still abound in these dimensions as users will typically discuss insights and information found on Facebook with other users. Your reach can be exponential with the help of Facebook.

CompEat has developed a Facebook Competitive Analysis Tool that can help you skyrocket your exposure. Contact CompEat today to speak to one of their friendly consultants.

How a Facebook Competitive Analysis Tool Can Help You

There is a great time-saving component with a Facebook Competitive Analysis Tool where you can let the tool do the data collection for you. No longer do you need to expend the time needed to do the same research, but rather with the click of a button, within minutes, a succinct and detailed report can be generated. With this, all the information that you need is at your fingertips.

It assists in capitalising on the content that you produce in that it collects data about your audience in a way that will show you what your audience is most interested in. With this knowledge, you will be able to tailor your content so that it can get more traffic. You will then better be able to cater to your audience’s likes and preferences, in terms of the kind of content that they would like to see.

Seeing your audience’s activity further allows you to have your customer’s perspective in mind. What is their behaviour so that you can position yourself as relevant and interesting?

The information that you gain from a Facebook analytical tool will allow you to not only prospect for new customers, but being familiar with your existing customers will make sure that you are bringing to their attention information that is relevant to them as well. Existing customers or audience members are as important as the new ones in that they have the power to interact with you, to share, comment, and like your posts, allowing your business to have a greater reach.

Having detailed information about the likes and dislikes of your audience also helps you plan for future posts and marketing campaigns. The behaviour of your audience will assist you in knowing when interest is high, and will guide you on how to modify your posts or marketing campaign accordingly.

A Facebook analytical tool will also assist you in keeping up with the interests of your audience. Being able to follow the preferences of your audience, you will easily be able to know when and how to adjust your content or marketing campaign to suit their needs.

Having all this information in one place in the format of detailed reports helps you to better visualise your marketing strategy, and what adjustments to make.

CompEat has the Facebook Competitive Analysis Tool that you are looking for. If you want to maximise your Facebook marketing campaign, contact one of our friendly consultants today to find out more information.